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Today, there is almost always a little hungry.

Posted by
Jypyä Pop (Turku, Finland) on 5 March 2016 in Animal & Insect and Portfolio.

Canon PowerShot SX40 HS 1/200 second F/5.8 ISO 400 151 mm

Hello everybody. It is fine that You will see my pictures. I do not know English very well. Therefore, it may be some comments or answers seem strange. I'm trying to learn more. Thank you for your understanding.

Martine from France

Il y a du monde à la cantine.

5 Mar 2016 5:49am

@Martine: We tend to feed birds in winter. Feeding There is nice to watch the birds eating and at the same time be able to see some rare bird. These tits or black-headed great tit and the blue-headed blue tit are quite common

omid from mashhad, Iran

very nice shot
with beautiful focus, colors & lights!
L O V E L Y !!!

5 Mar 2016 6:54am

@omid: Thank you

tataray from Charentes-Poitou, France

Magnifique et bien garni. Une jolie prise et des oiseaux heureux. )

5 Mar 2016 6:55am

@tataray: Thank you

Ronnie 2¢ from Atlantic Shores, United Kingdom

You clearly have the right menu there !

5 Mar 2016 7:09am

@Ronnie 2¢: Thank you

Mhelene from Villiers-sur-Marne, France

Beautiful capture , superb colors .

5 Mar 2016 8:12am

@Mhelene: Thank you

ursulakatariina from Turku, Finland

Wow, great shot!

5 Mar 2016 8:20am

@ursulakatariina: Thank you

Marie-France from Angers, France

yes ! they eat always...beautiful !

5 Mar 2016 9:00am

@Marie-France: Thank you

fateme@@ from Dezful, Iran

Very beautiful shot.

5 Mar 2016 9:28am

@fateme@@: Thank you

Aigleloup from Rebecq, Belgium

Super, que des mésanges bleues et charbonnière

5 Mar 2016 10:44am

@Aigleloup: Thank you

Libouton Martine from Bousval, Belgium

Il y en a du monde au restaurant des oiseaux!! belle prise

5 Mar 2016 10:50am

@Libouton Martine: Thank you

Ruthiebear from Titusville, NJ, United States

You have created a buffet for these lovey birds. Beautiful photo!

5 Mar 2016 3:02pm

@Ruthiebear: Thank you

Devi from Chennai, India

lovely...speeding with the lunch !!!!!

5 Mar 2016 3:14pm

@Devi: Thank you

Steve Rice from Olympia, United States

Yes, they are always hungry in this cold weather. The suet in my feeders doesn't last too long. Neither do the seeds. I like this pretty action shot.

5 Mar 2016 5:57pm

@Steve Rice: This feeding location is a few miles from my home. Home Outside there is also a small feeding and its guests have several blackbirds addition to the ability of tits. They like very much raisins.

Elaine Hancock from Rockville, United States

Such gorgeous birds! They are just beautiful! I always find this time of the year the birds are really hungry. There are still no seeds or berries and the migrating birds need food. A beautiful image!

6 Mar 2016 12:26am

@Elaine Hancock: We have a very general way, that fed the birds. This photo No feeding site, which is a few miles from my home. It is often the case in a little more unusual birds. This food is suet and seeds. My yard, we also offer raisins. They are a delicacy blackbirds.

L'Angevine from Angers, France

superbe les ailes

6 Mar 2016 8:14am

Sam from Chennai, India

Yes, these Beautiful birds are hungry. Nice capture. :)

6 Mar 2016 2:41pm

Baldwin VW from Bejuma, Venezuela

It's nice to know that birds are fed in winter ... Great capture of these happy birds !!!

7 Mar 2016 12:27am

This image has been featured in 1 Remix collection.

Animals of all kinds by ursulakatariina

Canon PowerShot SX40 HS
1/200 second
ISO 400
151 mm
